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We carry exquisite handmade paper diaries, handmade stationery, notecards, and envelopes by The Tibet Collection for the selective gift-giver. Shop personal diaries made from beautiful papers and writing journals featuring elegant Buddhist-inspired imprints, such as the significant bodhi tree leaf from Tibet.

Handmade Om Notecards Set
Handmade Waterbird Notecards Set
Buddha's Throne Handmade Notecards Set
Black Lotus Handmade Notecards Set
Tibetan Currency Handmade Notecards Set
Bodhi Leaf Handmade Boxed Notes
Windhorse Handmade Boxed Notes
Waterbird Handmade Journal
Handmade Windhorse Journal
Black Lotus Handmade Journal
Buddha's Throne  Handmade Journal
Handmade Bodhi Leaf Journal